
Dont Drop Your Defenses Against Asset Forfeiture Just Yet

Civil asset forfeiture is a controversial tool that was restricted under the Obama administration. It allows police to seize property from defendants before they have been convicted. Under the Trump administration it’s coming back with a vengeance. On July 17, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a new directive on civil asset forfeiture. The directive means…

Should States Get Rid of Cash Bail Systems

As PBS reports, the cash bail system is the norm in most states, but it is not without its critics. Everyone had heard the term “bail,” but do you really know what it means? In most jurisdictions in the country, when you’re arrested and charged with a crime, the court has the option to set…

DWI with a Child in the Car Dallas DWI Attorney Broden & Mickelsen, LLP

The way the law sees it children don’t have the ability to protect themselves. Getting pulled over for drunk driving is a scary experience and a criminal offense with potentially serious consequences. But what if you’re pulled over with a minor in your car? DWI with a child in the car in Texas takes that…

How Much Money Do You Get for Wrongful Imprisonment

Shouldn’t the law compensate people who are put behind bars for crimes they didn’t commit? For many people, their worst nightmare is the idea of being locked up for a crime they didn’t commit. Sadly, wrongful convictions happen — and more often than you might think. In 2015, there were 149 exonerations in the United…

Texas Stand Your Ground Law Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer

People sometimes wonder what rights they have when it comes to defending themselves and their property. Stand your ground laws occasionally make headlines when a homeowner or property owner prevents an intruder from entering their home. Because laws vary from state to state, and even the names for these laws can be different depending on…

Professional football players are no strangers to run-ins with the law. In the latest case to hit the headlines, Damien Wilson of the Dallas Cowboys was arrested on charges of aggravated assault with a weapon. The linebacker was arrested on two counts aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after he allegedly backed his truck into…

Netflix Making a Murderer Why You Need an Experienced Federal Criminal Appeal Attorney

Leading Lawyer Mick Mickelsen Explains Why experience matter in Federal Criminal defense cases if you have been watching Netflix Making a Murderer! When you’re a criminal defendant, it’s normal to feel frightened about the outcome of your case. In a federal criminal appeal, however, the stakes are much higher. You’re asking the appellate court to…

Supreme Court Strikes Down Law Banning Sex Offenders from Social Media

Simply being accused of a sex-related offense is enough to derail their life. Sex offender registration laws vary from state to state, but they are almost uniformly tough and restrictive. In many cases, these laws dictate where an individual can live and work. Recently, one state attempted to stop registered sex offenders from using Facebook….

Getting Legal Help for Federal Immigration Offenses

Your decision to forego experienced legal help could hurt your chances of remaining in the United States. Federal immigration crimes have dominated news headlines lately. Here in Texas, proximity to Mexico naturally means that federal immigration-related offenses occur more frequently than in other parts of the country. If you’ve been charged with a federal immigration…

police officer fatality

Another fatal shooting of a police officer in San Antonio has highlighted violence against law enforcement officers in Texas. Last week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered state flags to be lowered to half-staff in San Antonio to honor Officer Miguel Moreno. He was killed in a shoot-out last Thursday and died a day later. Moreno…