
Is DNA Evidence Unreliable

Is DNA evidence the most foolproof way to determine if someone has committed a crime? If you watch a lot of crime dramas on television, or you’re a fan of detective novels, you might believe that DNA evidence is the most foolproof way to determine if someone has committed a crime. Furthermore, you wouldn’t be…

What Is an Aggravated Crime in Texas

What constitutes an aggravated crime varies from state to state? Many people hear that a crime is “aggravated” and wonder what that means. What distinguishes a robbery from an “aggravated” robbery, for example? Is one worse than the other? The short answer is that, yes, an aggravated crime is a more serious charge that carries…

Does Every Crime Have a Statute of Limitations

It’s important to remember that statutes of limitations vary from state to state. Statutes of limitations put a limit on how long a person can be prosecuted for a crime. These time limits also exist in civil law. For example, the statute of limitations for suing someone over a breach of contract is generally 10…

What’s the Penalty for Perjury

Texas criminal law makes it clear that a person can be convicted of perjury if they knowingly make a false written statement even when not under oath. Most people have a basic understanding of perjury. They know that it involves lying under oath, and most people picture this happening on the witness stand in a…

What Age Do Kids Get Tried As Adults in Texas

Many states have taken steps to ensure juvenile offenders in their courts are not slapped with a life sentence before they even reach adulthood. Should a teenager be sentenced to life in prison? It’s a question that has resonated throughout the criminal justice system in recent years. In 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that…

Sheriff’s Office Mistakes Could Affect Over 100 Convictions

It’s terrifying to think that the nation’s most elite federal law enforcement agency could be so wrong on so many cases over such a staggeringly long period of time. Just a few years ago, the FBI admitted that serious flaws in investigatory practices used by its forensics unit led to nearly every examiner giving inaccurate…

dallas police car

The law comes about one year after a devastating attack on Dallas police officers in which five officers were killed. Beginning September 1, 2017, Texas joins a handful of states that have enacted so-called “Blue Lives Matter” laws, which make attacks on law enforcement officials, including judges, a hate crime. Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed…

mcallen prison

Severe heat at Texas prisons has been linked to deaths and lawsuits. Now Texas plans to move about 1,000 Texas prisoners to cooler cells. Last week, Texas submitted a plan under a court order to move 1,000 inmates who are sensitive to heat from the Pack Unit near Navasota to other state jails and prisons…

DWI .15

Texas is not known for being lenient on people charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI). Even first time offenders are often hit with heavy sentences not to mention ongoing payments under the Driver Responsibility Program. A new ‘second chance’ law for DWI offenders is a welcome measure that will help offenders get their lives back…

What Is a Mistrial

Mistrials happen for a variety of reasons. The Bill Cosby sexual assault case has dominated headlines over the past year. The case is complicated, as it involves thorny questions about statutes of limitations and whether Cosby previously admitted or acknowledged that he engaged in some of the behavior the plaintiffs accuse him of. When the…