
letter blocks spelling out law

Evading arrest or detention in a motor vehicle in Texas can be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances of the crime. These crimes are often associated with police pursuits but you don’t have to be involved in a long chase to be charged with the crime. Over the weekend, a woman was…

Are There Passenger Rights During a Traffic Stop in Texas?

When you ride as a passenger in a vehicle, you are giving a certain amount of control over to the driver. For example, if the driver is exceeding the speed limit, you could find yourself in a situation being pulled over and stopped by the police. What happens if the driver has an illegal substance…

growing marijuana in Texas

A new law in Texas is leading prosecutors to drop low-level marijuana possession charges, even though it has not legalized the drug. The law does not address marijuana. Instead, it legalizes hemp and products derived from hemp, like CBD oil. Prosecutors say the law had unexpected consequences. The Texas Tribune reported the new law had…

Dallas sex crime lawyers

Initiatives intended to fight sex trafficking in Texas are high on the agenda of Governor Greg Abbott and the Office of the Attorney General. However, a recent report reveals the state still has a way to go to bring human trafficking under control. A report from the Human Trafficking Institute released in June revealed the…

5 Things Everyone Should Know about Tax Evasion and Fraud

For most taxpayers in the United States, an IRS audit is something you should try to avoid at all costs. Unfortunately, many taxpayers already know the stress that comes when the IRS knocks on your door to investigate a simple error. When the “simple error” results in a significant discrepancy in reporting, or failure to…

Is it Possible to Gain Employment After a Conviction for a White Collar Crime?

Is it possible to find work and rebuild your professional reputation after being convicted of a white collar crime? Here’s what you need to know about employment after conviction. When you’ve been convicted of white-collar crime, the residual effects of the conviction can last long after you’ve paid your dues. For people with a white…

child in juvenile defense center

Children in Texas cannot consent to sex, but they can still be charged with prostitution after state Governor Greg Abbott vetoed a bill that would have prevented them from being arrested and brought before juvenile courts. Abbott vetoed House Bill 1771. The legislation, authored by Houston Democrat Shawn Thierry, aimed to amend the Texas penal…

crime scene

Texas is no stranger to hate crimes that target minorities. In recent months, the Dallas community has been shocked by a series of deadly attacks on transgender women. In May, hundreds of people from the LGBTQ+ community attended the funeral of Muhlaysia Booker, a 22-year-old transgender woman who was shot and killed. Her body was…

Phishing Scam Stole $100 Million from Google and Facebook

Internet scams are a form of fraud, and a conviction for this type of computer crime can result in serious penalties, including years in jail. Recently, investigators uncovered a large scale phishing scam that targeted tech giants Google and Facebook. Using emailed invoices, a man was able to defraud the companies out of more than…

Dallas Federal Crimes - Lawyer Perspective on Patriot Act

Could the Patriot Act affect your criminal case? You’ve probably heard about this powerful federal tool that gives authorities the sweeping ability to engage in surveillance tactics, but most people only know of the Patriot Act from what they see on television. What they may not realize is that the Patriot Act often allows law…