
behind bars

The Innocence Files, a Netflix original documentary, has highlighted wrongful convictions across the United States including a case in Texas. Defense attorneys are acutely aware of the high number of people who are convicted based on flimsy or falsified evidence, junk science, or coerced confessions. Now the Netflix series is educating a wider audience about…


Psychological and IQ tests can play an important part in criminal trials. Juries, judges, and lawyers are not experts in psychology and these tests often prove persuasive. However, recent research suggests courts are failing to properly screen out this evidence, allowing ‘junk science’ to influence court proceedings. A study published in February in the journal…

Police Lineups

It can be scary to be charged with aggravated assault in Texas. One of the first questions you might ask is how aggravated assault differs from a simple assault and what kind of enhanced penalties you might face if you’re convicted. Aggravated assault means a more serious form of assault. If someone is charged with…

domestic violence

Police and civic leaders have highlighted a rise in domestic violence in Dallas as a factor behind a spike in the city’s homicide rate in 2019. A new approach entails more warrants for domestic abusers and agencies working more closely together. The Dallas Morning News reported domestic-violence slayings made up at least 32 of the…


In recent years, home DNA test kits have become increasingly popular. With just a simple cheek swab, anyone can learn detailed information about their ethnicity, heritage, and even health information. People have also used DNA testing services to locate lost family members. But does all this information come with a price? According to reports, at…

business person in handcuffs

Prosecutions for white-collar crimes are continuing to fall in the United States, according to a university that has tracked the figures for the last three decades. Syracuse University predicts the number of federal prosecutions for crimes like fraud and insider dealing is on course to fall to 5,175 by the end of the year, half…

hate crime

Few crimes have caused the degree of national outcry and soul-searching as the killing of 22 people at a Walmart store in El Paso last summer. Now the North Texas man accused of the mass shooting has been charged with hate crimes and nearly 100 federal crimes. Patrick Crusius has been charged with both federal…

white collar crime

More than a third of businesses have been the victim of white-collar crime, with devastating consequences. Here’s how corporations in Texas and across the country are fighting back. A singular white-collar crime can cost a large corporation billions of dollars. For those who have no personal experience with white-collar crime, the numbers can seem staggeringly…

handcuffs and gavel

The violent crime spike experienced in Dallas in 2019 appeared to be random. However, a new study reveals it follows patterns and was linked to apartment complexes, used-goods stores, gas stations, and car washes. The study by Child Poverty Action Lab found the incidence of violent crimes to be higher around certain places. However, it…

outdoor prison area

Prisons in Texas are notoriously dangerous. Inmates have died of extreme heat and suffered illness. In recent years, the deaths of three inmates at the hands of guards highlighted the hazards. According to the Texas Tribune, three prison deaths occurred at the hands of guards in as many years in the Lone Star State. One…