Category: White Collar Crime

Prosecutions of white-collar crimes have fallen in recent years. However, the Department of Justice recently signaled its intention to crack down on corporate offenses. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco revealed she intends to roll back the Trump administration’s apparent backpedaling on the prosecution of financial crimes such as fraud, in an interview in October. Recent…

An investigation is always the first step in the criminal justice process, including cases of suspected white-collar crime. That said, those who are the targets of a white-collar crime investigation don’t always find out in exactly the same way. It is common for the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to become involved in such criminal…

Tax Fraud Criminal Defense Lawyer – Tax fraud crimes in Dallas include some forms of tax evasion. Learn the distinctions between these two offenses. Public perception of tax fraud crimes is impacted by the fact that many people view this as a victimless crime. After all, many people hate paying taxes, so the idea that…

Types of White Collar Crimes Update: Do you really understand what white collar crimes are? Here is what you need to know, along with five examples of the most common white collar crimes in Texas. According to the FBI, “white collar crime” is a term that came into existence around 1939. Since then, it has…

Prosecutions of white-collar crimes are often complicated, lengthy, and intricate. However, even by the standards of these offenses, the federal prosecution of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been a drawn-out affair. Paxton, a Republican, was indicted on felony security fraud charges in 2015. Five years later, the case has still not gone to trial…

More than a third of businesses have been the victim of white-collar crime, with devastating consequences. Here’s how corporations in Texas and across the country are fighting back. A singular white-collar crime can cost a large corporation billions of dollars. For those who have no personal experience with white-collar crime, the numbers can seem staggeringly…
Whistleblowers play a tremendously important role in white-collar crime. Understand more about what a whistleblower is, and if they’re protected. Whistleblowers play an incredibly important role in the fight against white-collar crime. Because corporate crimes can be difficult to detect initially, whistleblowers help corporations protect their assets and spark investigations into possible illegal misconduct. The…

Texas has seen some high-profile white collar crime cases in recent years. However, new data suggests prosecutions brought for corporate corruption is falling. According to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, a research center at Syracuse University that tracks federal data, white collar prosecutions fell under the Trump administration. They are down 8.5% from a year…

Securities fraud is a category of white-collar crime that comes with serious consequences. Learn about the most common types of securities fraud and their penalties. Crimes that are non-violent and financially motivated are referred to as white-collar crimes. There are various criminal acts that fall within this category, with one of the most recognized being…

Texting has become one of the most frequently used methods of communication. We tend to send texts back and forth without thinking much at all about the contents of the message. From a purely practical standpoint, texting enables people to stay in touch and more easily communicate. Because text messages are electronic communications that can…