Category: Federal Criminal Defense

Ponzi scheme

White collar crimes may not cause physical harm to victims like crimes of violence but they often attract tough sentences. Late last month, a former Texas state senator was sentenced to 12 years in a federal prison over his involvement in a Ponzi scheme. Sen. Carlos Uresti was contrite when he appeared before a federal…

Don’t leave your future and your freedom to chance by entrusting your case to just anyone. It is in your best interest to work with an experienced federal defense lawyer. Getting arrested on a drug-related charge can be a confusing experience. One of the first questions people tend to ask is whether their drug case…

Federal Offenses in Airports or Airlines

Getting through the airport and catching your flight on time is already stressful enough. Imagine being charged with a federal offense while inside an airport or flying on a commercial airline. Do different laws apply when you’re traveling? What happens if you’re charged with a federal offense in an airport or on a plane? Because…


Under federal law, it is a crime for anyone with a domestic violence conviction to buy or own a gun. The system broke down with tragic consequences on Nov. 5 when Devin Patrick Kelley killed 26 worshipers and injured 20 more at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs in Texas. Kelley, 26, was convicted…

Getting Legal Help for Federal Immigration Offenses

Your decision to forego experienced legal help could hurt your chances of remaining in the United States. Federal immigration crimes have dominated news headlines lately. Here in Texas, proximity to Mexico naturally means that federal immigration-related offenses occur more frequently than in other parts of the country. If you’ve been charged with a federal immigration…

Should Texas “Raise the Age” of Criminal Responsibility to 18

Criminal justice experts have stated that treating teenagers as adults in the criminal justice system is detrimental for both the young people involved and the states. In Texas, along with a handful of other states, 17-year-olds accused of criminal offenses are automatically tried as adults. Texas lawmakers have introduced two bills that propose raising the…

Jewel Heists Happen — and the FBI Has a Special Team to Investigate Them

The theft of jewels and art is a serious federal crime punishable by high fines and lengthy prison sentences. Jewel thefts may sound like crimes that belong in big budget Hollywood movies, but they happen in real life. They happen so often, in fact, that the FBI has a special team devoted to investigating crimes…

Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer Mick Mickelsen Discusses Extradition

Extradition involves two countries cooperating to transfer an individual from one country to another to stand trial for a crime. Hollywood director Roman Polanski recently made headlines again when the Supreme Court of Poland rejected the Polish government’s request to extradite Polanski to the United States. The extradition battle has been ongoing since 1978, when…

Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer Answers Is Flag Burning a Crime

There is no question that flag-burning is controversial but should there be consequences when individuals choose to do so? Whatever your political leanings, you have probably heard numerous news reports about the aftermath of the presidential election, as well as the status of President-elect Trump’s transition into the White House. For Trump, who is a…

Dallas Federal Criminal Lawyers Says Hacking Potentially Costly for Retailers This Holiday Shopping Season

Cyber security experts say everyone should be cautious about providing information to online sites. As the 2016 holiday shopping season gets underway, cybersecurity firms warn that hackers could cost retailers big and small millions of dollars. According to a Fortune report, hackers have the power to not only steal consumer data, but to take down…