Category: Criminal Defense
Usually, when someone is confronted with the prospect of hiring a criminal defense lawyer they are under a lot of stress. In addition to the stress arising from the prospect of being convicted and possibly going to jail, the potential client is confronting financial stress. Not only must the potential often expend funds to make…
The Fees Criminal Lawyers Charge Tend to Vary Greatly 1. Never Hire a Criminal Attorney Without a Written Fee Contract You might be surprised how many criminal defense lawyers do not provide written fee contracts. This is extremely dangerous and leads to potential problems. Often times an attorney who chooses not provide a fee agreement…
Generally speaking criminal defense lawyers look forward to representing people charged with DWIs. Many clients clients charged with a DWI are reasonable, articulate and, probably most importantly to lawyers, are able to pay a fee. Unless a person is charged with having committed their third DWI, the stakes are not as high as when representing…
In the annual 2013 report issued by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, it was estimated that the Court granted oral argument in 10.5% or criminal cases. The Report also indicates that the reversal rate in the Fifth Circuit is approximately 6.6% in criminal cases. In contrast, Clint Broden has obtained…