Category: Criminal Defense
Have you been falsely accused of sexual assault? If so, you’re likely worried about how these unfounded allegations could affect your reputation or even your freedom. An experienced attorney can explain what to do if you’re falsely accused of sexual assault and how to protect your rights. Consider the Accuser’s Motives If you’ve been falsely…
When criminal defendants face prosecutors with an “open-and-shut” case against them, negotiating a plea deal may represent their best chance of obtaining a favorable resolution. However, plea bargaining has various advantages and disadvantages, highlighting the importance of having an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. What Is Plea Bargaining? A plea bargain is an…
Eyewitness testimony in criminal defense cases can play a significant role in disproving the prosecution’s allegations. Depending on the circumstances surrounding eyewitness identification, experienced criminal defense lawyers may have various avenues to challenge eyewitness testimony and undermine the prosecution’s case, fighting for a dismissal of your charges or acquittal. What Is Eyewitness Testimony? Eyewitness testimony…
The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is the state’s highest court for criminal cases. It reviews appeals from lower courts in serious criminal matters, including death penalty cases. Unlike the Texas Supreme Court, which handles civil cases, this court focuses solely on interpreting criminal law and ensuring fair trials statewide. How Often Do the Judges…
In response to the growing fentanyl crisis, Texas has joined several states across the nation in taking a hard stance against fatal fentanyl overdoses. Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s signing of House Bill 6 (HB 6) established new criminal offenses, including the creation of a “fentanyl murder” charge and enhanced penalties for fentanyl-related crimes. New Offense:…
Are you facing charges of violating state gun laws, being a felon in possession of a firearm, or any other state or federal gun charges? If so, you need a skilled criminal defense attorney to help during this critical time. Your situation may be more hopeful than you think. Several cases before the United States…
Cryptocurrency, often referred to simply as “crypto,” represents a revolution in digital currency and online transactions. But with increasing scrutiny from regulators and law enforcement, some investors have been unexpectedly thrust into legal battles over alleged crypto investment fraud. What Is Crypto-Related Fraud? Cryptocurrency fraud involves deceptive practices that exploit the vulnerabilities of digital currencies…
If you are facing gun charges, a recent Supreme Court ruling may provide a legal basis for you to defend yourself against the charges – even if you committed the crime in question. This is because, under the 2022 ruling, the underlying crime you are charged with might be unconstitutional. Here is what to know…
You might have heard the word “warrant,” but did you know there are different kinds of warrants? There are bench warrants and arrest warrants, which might be issued at different times and under different circumstances. If you believe you are subject to a bench warrant or arrest warrant, contact the experienced Texas criminal defense attorneys…
James Holmes, Jeffery Dalmer, Eric Williams; all of these individuals have been represented by criminal defense attorneys. I’m often asked, and I know that many people want to ask but think it impolite to do so, how can I stand to represent people who have committed horrible crimes? A related question is, “How do you…