Author: Broden & Mickelsen, LLP

Some people make mistakes when they are young. In Texas, a serious mistake as a teen can mean decades behind bars. The criminal justice system has a reputation for being tough on young offenders and has treated those 17 or older as adults. A new bill filed in the Texas House by Rep. Joe Moody,…

It’s rare for a child as young as 12 to be charged with a serious offense but in Texas, a boy is facing a possible sentence of 40 years in prison over the fatal shooting of a boxer. The 12-year-old was charged with capital murder over the shooting death of a 24-year-old professional boxer in…

A law enacted in Texas in 2015 means many drivers who would previously have lost their licenses can now remain on the road as long as an ignition interlock device is fitted to their vehicles. An ignition interlock is connected to your vehicle. The device is like a breathalyzer. It has a preset level for…

Texas has been censured by the U.S. Supreme Court over how it determines intellectual disability when deciding if defendants should receive the death penalty. However, a ruling by the nation’s highest court has failed to spark changes in the Lone Star State. Now the pressure is on the Texas Legislature to amend the law relating…

The right to vote is an important part of being an American citizen. Is it possible for a convicted felon to regain their voting rights in the state of Texas? As citizens of the United States, we have individual rights that we often take for granted – until they are taken away or jeopardized in…

Many forensic science methods used for years to convict people of serious crimes have unraveled under closer scrutiny. Bite mark evidence was used to secure scores of convictions before it was debunked as junk science in 2016. In December, the state’s highest criminal court declared a Texas man innocent of two murders he served more…

White collar crimes carry high sentences. In Travis County, a former director of the University of Texas faces up 99 years in prison after he was indicted on counts of theft, money laundering, and abusing his official capacity. Jason Shoumaker worked for the University of Texas in Austin for 10 years. He managed facilities for…

Texas once again executed more people than any other state in 2018 when the number of prisoners put to death rose. However, the state’s Death Row population is falling. Two groups that oppose the death penalty reported Texas again tops the capital punishment table. With no further executions scheduled for 2018, tallies from both the…

Civil asset forfeiture occurs when police seize assets from people who are suspected of involvement in criminality. Nowhere is it more controversial than in Texas where people have lost millions of dollars in valuable assets without being charged with a crime. Recently, the Texas Tribune reported on how police in Texas made $50 million by…

Texas has a reputation for being a tough state for law and order with heavy sentences handed down to offenders. However, the Lone Star State’s initiatives to find alternatives to prison are helping drive forward a national reform bill. When the White House recently backed a bipartisan effort to cut the federal prison population and…