Author: Mick Mickelsen

If you’re going to use a mobile police scanner app, it’s important to do so responsibly. Police scanners have been around for years. They’re legal in nearly all 50 states, and many people use them to monitor crime in their neighborhood. Radio enthusiasts also sometimes listen in for entertainment purposes. However, a new type of…

Police shootings in the U.S. revealed that one-fourth involved someone with a mental illness. Police violence and misconduct is well-documented in the United States. It’s an issue that receives a lot of media attention — sometimes so much so that it’s easy to wonder if other countries experience such serious social and criminal justice issues….

Sometimes the interests of public safety outweigh any single person’s privacy rights. According to an April 2017 report, police in Georgia conducted a drug dog sweep of a high school, then followed it up with pat down searches of 900 students. Some students said the searchers were “aggressive.” School officials stated that they did not…

Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be shifting the country back to the harsh policies of the 1980s. The “war on drugs” was a policy created by the Nixon Administration in the early 1970s. Under the policy, courts adopted a no tolerance policy for drug offenses. The most noticeable effect of the policy was a massive…

Police and prosecutors look for any evidence they can find. If you have a Facebook page or Twitter account (or both), you’re not alone. The number of social media users has exploded over the past decade. Recent statistics reveal that 78 percent of people in the United States have one or more social media accounts….

To avoid being a victim of a summer crime keep the following tips in mind. Most people enjoy the summer. Warm temperatures and much-needed vacations are almost universally loved. However, summer is not without its downsides. Certain crimes, including household crimes, peak in the summer months. To avoid being a victim of a summer crime,…

Various social apps are a form of communication but can they truly be used to communicate a threat? Like it or not, social media is a part of everyday life. Facebook has more than one billion active users, and Twitter counts 317 million people among its active users. Furthermore, a growing number of people use…

At the time of the men’s arrest, police interrogators threatened them with the death penalty. As reported in the Washington Post, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe recently pardoned four men who were wrongfully convicted of the 1997 sexual assault and murder of an 18-year-old woman. The police detective in charge of the original investigation is now…

When your blood pressure is spiking and your heart is beating out of your chest, it’s easy to forget your rights. No matter how many police or courtroom dramas you’ve watched, few things can truly prepare you for being taken into police custody or questioned by the cops. When your blood pressure is spiking and…

Extradition involves two countries cooperating to transfer an individual from one country to another to stand trial for a crime. Hollywood director Roman Polanski recently made headlines again when the Supreme Court of Poland rejected the Polish government’s request to extradite Polanski to the United States. The extradition battle has been ongoing since 1978, when…