Year: 2025
Have you been falsely accused of sexual assault? If so, you’re likely worried about how these unfounded allegations could affect your reputation or even your freedom. An experienced attorney can explain what to do if you’re falsely accused of sexual assault and how to protect your rights. Consider the Accuser’s Motives If you’ve been falsely…
When criminal defendants face prosecutors with an “open-and-shut” case against them, negotiating a plea deal may represent their best chance of obtaining a favorable resolution. However, plea bargaining has various advantages and disadvantages, highlighting the importance of having an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. What Is Plea Bargaining? A plea bargain is an…
After getting convicted for a crime you didn’t commit or receiving an unfair trial, you may wonder about your options to appeal wrongful convictions in Texas. Our board-certified criminal and appellate law specialists stand behind you and want to help you during this challenging time. Here is what you need to know about this critical…
If you are convicted of a crime, you need to know what to expect during the sentencing hearing process. Understanding the sentencing phase after a conviction can help ease your fears about the process. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can explain the potential sentences and present arguments to minimize your sentence. What Happens During Sentencing…
You may notice odd changes or events in your life that may indicate you’ve become the target of a criminal investigation. When you notice some signs that officials have opened a federal investigation into you, contact a federal criminal defense attorney to discuss your rights and options. A lawyer can discuss how to find out…
Eyewitness testimony in criminal defense cases can play a significant role in disproving the prosecution’s allegations. Depending on the circumstances surrounding eyewitness identification, experienced criminal defense lawyers may have various avenues to challenge eyewitness testimony and undermine the prosecution’s case, fighting for a dismissal of your charges or acquittal. What Is Eyewitness Testimony? Eyewitness testimony…